Yamaha 15 Hp Msh Service Manual

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. OWNER’S MANUAL U.S.A.Edition LIT-18626-06-56 63V-28199-19. ZMU01690 Read this owner’s manual carefully before operating your outboard motor. EMU31280 your machine and this manual.

  1. Yamaha 15 Hp Msh Service Manual Outboard

This manual has been prepared by Yamaha primarily for use by Yamaha. @ 5,000 r/min. Full throttle operating range r/min.

If there is any To the owner question concerning this manual, please con- Thank you for choosing a Yamaha outboard sult your Yamaha dealer. This Owner’s Manual contains infor- NOTE: mation needed for proper operation, mainte- The 9.9MH, 15MH and the standard accesso. Important manual information.

Table of contents Carrying handle.15 General information. 1 Identification numbers record.1 Operation.16 Outboard motor serial number.1 Installation. 16 Emission control information.1 Mounting the outboard motor.16 North American models.1 Clamping the outboard motor. Maintenance chart.37 IMPORTANT WARRANTY Greasing.38 INFORMATION IF YOU USE Cleaning and adjusting spark YOUR YAMAHA OUTSIDE plug. 38 Checking fuel system.39 THE USA OR CANADA.57 Inspecting fuel filter.

40 Cleaning fuel filter.40 Inspecting idling speed. Record your outboard motor serial number in the spaces provided to assist you in ordering spare parts from your Yamaha dealer or for reference in case your outboard motor is sto- len. Approval label location 1.

General information ing. At a minimum, children and non-swim- mers should always wear PFDs, and everyone should wear PFDs when there are potentially hazardous boating condi- tions. Manufactured: Gasoline is highly flammable, and its va- pors are flammable and explosive. Handle and store gasoline carefully. (except 2HP) Never illegally discard (dump) the product. Do not touch or remove electrical parts Yamaha recommends consulting the deal- when starting or during operation. Er on discarding the product.

Keep hands, hair, and clothes away from Be informed about boating safety. General information You should be aware of these rules, and fol- “The general prudential rule” This rule is called Rule 2 in the International low them whenever you encounter another Rules and says, vessel on the water. “In obeying and construing these rules due re- Several sets of rules prevail according to geo- gard shall be had to all dangers of navigation graphic location, but are all basically the same.

General information Meeting Overtaking If you are meeting another power vessel head If you are passing another vessel, you are the on, and are close enough to run the risk of col- “Give-Way” vessel. This means that the other lision, neither of you has the right-of-way! Vessel is expected to maintain its course and Both of you should alter course to avoid an ac- speed. General information Fishing vessel right-of-way System has been devised for these waters. All vessels which are fishing with nets, lines or This system uses buoys and signs with dis- trawls are considered to be “fishing vessels” tinctive shapes and colors to show regulatory under the International Rules.

General information ZMU01708 EMU25540 Do not smoke when refueling, and keep Fueling instructions away from sparks, flames, or other EWM00010 sources of ignition. WARNING Stop engine before refueling.

GASOLINE AND ITS VAPORS ARE HIGH- Refuel in a well-ventilated area. Refuel LY FLAMMABLE AND EXPLOSIVE! Portable fuel tanks off the boat. CAUTION: on the engine. Use only new clean gasoline which has Yamaha outboard motors are fitted with pro- been stored in clean containers and is not pellers chosen to perform well over a range of contaminated with water or foreign matter. For instructions on propeller removal and in- stallation, see page 41.

EMU25770 Start-in-gear protection Yamaha outboard motors or Yamaha-ap- proved remote control units are equipped with start-in-gear protection device(s). This feature permits the engine to be started only when it is in neutral.

Basic components EMU25795 Main components NOTE:. May not be exactly as shown; also may not be included as standard equipment on all models.

Top cowling 17.Cooling water inlet 2. Top cowling lock lever 18.Propeller. 3. Cooling water pilot hole 19.Fuel hose 4. Basic components ZMU02284 1. Fuel joint EMU25922 Gear shift lever 2. Fuel gauge Pulling the gear shift lever towards you puts 3.

Fuel tank cap 4. Air vent screw the engine in forward gear so that the boat moves ahead. Pushing the lever away from EMU25830 Fuel joint you puts the engine in reverse gear so that the.

Basic components EWM00030 WARNING Do not overtighten the friction adjuster. If there is too much resistance, it could be difficult to move throttle lever or grip, which could result in an accident. EMU25961 Throttle indicator The fuel consumption curve on the throttle in- dicator shows the relative amount of fuel con- sumed for each throttle position. Basic components control.

Also, without engine power, the boat could slow rapidly. This could cause people and objects in the boat to be thrown forward. NOTE: The engine cannot be started with the lock plate removed. Use to start a hot engine 2.

Yamaha 15 hp msh service manual outboard

Basic components 1. Tilt lock lever To increase resistance, turn the adjuster To tilt the outboard motor up, set the tilt lock clockwise. Lever to the “ ” (up) position.

To tilt the out- To decrease resistance, turn the adjuster board motor down, set the tilt lock lever to the counterclockwise. Basic components 1. Top cowling lock lever(s) EMU26430 Carrying handle A carrying handle is included on the clamp bracket.

After setting the handle up, it enables you to carry the outboard motor easily with one hand. To set up the carrying handle, proceed as fol- lows: Place the tilt lock lever in the lock posi- tion. Operation EMU26901 EWM00830 Installation WARNING ECM00110 Improper mounting of the outboard motor CAUTION: could result in hazardous conditions such Incorrect engine height or obstructions to as poor handling, loss of control, or fire smooth water flow (such as the design or hazards. Consult your mounting point on the boat. Otherwise Yamaha dealer or boat manufacturer for the engine could be completely lost if it further information on determining the prop- accidentally falls off the transom. CAUTION: using the bolts provided with the out- Be sure to mix gasoline and oil complete- board (if packed). For details, consult ly, otherwise the engine may be damaged.

Your Yamaha dealer. EWM00650 EMU27073 WARNING Procedure for pre-mixed models Avoid using bolts, nuts or washers other. Fuel tank capacity (if equipped Yamaha Check fuel line connections to be sure they fuel tank): are tight (if equipped Yamaha fuel tank or 24.0 L (6.34 US gal) (5.28 Imp.gal) boat tank). Be sure the fuel tank is positioned on a se. Operation While many additives available may reduce Shake the fuel tank to mix the fuel thor- deposits, Yamaha recommends the use of oughly. Ring Free Fuel Additive, available from your Make sure that the oil and gasoline are Yamaha dealer. Ring Free Fuel Additive mixed.

Operation EMU27450 If there is a fuel joint on the motor, firmly Operating engine connect the fuel line to the joint. Then EMU27461 firmly connect the other end of the fuel Feeding fuel (portable tank) line to the joint on the fuel tank. EWM00420 WARNING Before starting the engine, make sure. Operation Do not attach the lanyard to clothing that could tear loose. Do not route the lanyard where it could become entan- gled, preventing it from functioning.

Yamaha 15 Hp Msh Service Manual Outboard

Avoid accidentally pulling the lanyard during normal operation. Loss of engine power means the loss of most steering control. Stop the engine and check whether the cooling water inlet on the low- er case or the cooling water pilot hole is blocked. Consult your Yamaha dealer if the problem cannot be located and cor- After the engine starts, slowly return the rected. Operation ZMU02856 Remote control models EMU27740 Shifting Pull up the neutral interlock trigger (if EWM00180 equipped) and move the remote control lever WARNING quickly and firmly from neutral to forward. Before shifting, make sure there are no EMU27795 Reverse (manual tilt and hydro tilt swimmers or obstacles in the water near models) you.

Operation Move the gear shift lever quickly and firm- After stopping the engine, tighten the air ly from neutral to reverse. Vent screw on the fuel tank cap and set the fuel cock lever or knob to the closed position, if equipped. Remote control models ZMU02301 Check that the tilt lock lever is in the lock. Operation NOTE: If the outboard motor is equipped with an en- gine stop switch lanyard, the engine can also be stopped by pulling the lanyard and remov- ing the lock plate from the engine stop switch. EMU27861 Trimming outboard motor The trim angle of the outboard motor helps determine the position of the bow of the boat in the water. Operation Reposition the rod in the desired hole. To raise the bow (“trim-out”), move the rod away from the transom.

To lower the bow (“trim-in”), move the rod to- ward the transom. Make test runs with the trim set to different an- gles to find the position that works best for your boat and operating conditions.

Operation ECM00241 CAUTION: Before tilting the outboard motor, stop the engine by following the procedure on page 25. Never tilt the outboard mo- tor while the engine is running. Severe damage from overheating can result. Do not tilt up the engine by pushing the tiller handle (if equipped) because this could break the handle. Operation Pull up the shallow water lever (if Slightly tilt the engine up until the tilt sup- equipped). Port bar is automatically released. Hold the rear of the top cowling with one Slowly tilt the engine down.

Hand and tilt the engine up fully. EMU28060 Cruising in shallow water Push the tilt support knob into the clamp. Operation Return the outboard motor to its normal position as soon as the boat is back in deeper water. ECM00260 CAUTION: Do not tilt the outboard motor up so that the cooling water inlet on the lower unit is above the surface of the water when set- ting up for and cruising in shallow water. For cooling system flushing instructions, see page 32.

Cruising in turbid water Yamaha strongly recommends that you use the optional chromium-plated water pump kit (not available for some models) if you use the outboard motor in turbid (muddy) water condi. Hypoid gear oil SAE#90 15MH 11.0 kW@5000 r/min (15 HP@5000 Gear oil quantity: r/min) 250.0 cm³ (8.45 US oz) (8.82 Imp.oz) 9.9MH 7.3 kW@5000 r/min (9.9 HP@5000 Tightening torque for engine: r/min) Idling speed (in neutral): Spark plug: 750 ±50 r/min 25.0 Nm (18.4 ft-lb) (2.55 kgf-m). It is advisable to have your outboard motor tion using a motor support device such as a serviced by an authorized Yamaha dealer pri- transom saver bar. Consult your Yamaha or to storage. However, you, the owner, with a dealer for further details.

00) to each gallon of fuel. Supply is insufficient, engine seizure may NOTE: occur. The use of “Yamaha Fuel Conditioner and Stabilizer” eliminates the need to drain the Cooling system flushing is essential to fuel system.

Consult your Yamaha dealer. If you or the owner is not famil- pletely. 2018 corolla user manual. Iar with machine servicing, this work Spray the outboard motor exterior with should be done by your Yamaha dealer or “Yamaha Silicone Protectant” (Part No. Other qualified mechanic. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the. Maintenance ger the operator and passengers. Yamaha genuine parts and accessories are available from your Yamaha dealer.

When operating in salt water, turbid or muddy water, the engine should be flushed with clean water after each use. The “ ” symbol indicates the check-ups which you may carry out yourself. The “ ” symbol indicates work to be carried out by your Yamaha dealer. Initial Every Item Actions.

Do not attempt to di- sparks, which could lead to explosion or agnose any problems yourself. Instead, take fire. The outboard motor to a Yamaha dealer.

You should periodically remove and inspect the. Improper repairs can make the outboard unsafe to operate. Check the fuel lines for leaks, crack, or mal- function. If a problem is found, your Yamaha 1. Spark plug gap dealer or other qualified mechanic should re- 2. Spark plug I.D. Mark (NGK) pair it immediately.

Gasoline is highly flammable, and its va- sary. If any water is found in the fuel, the pors are flammable and explosive.

Yamaha portable fuel tank or other fuel If you have any question about properly tanks should be checked and cleaned. Also, place fying the idle speed, or the idle speed requires the shift control in neutral, turn the main adjustment, consult a Yamaha dealer or other switch to “ ” (off) and remove the key, qualified mechanic.

The propeller will then spin Apply Yamaha marine grease or a corro- freely on the shaft. If this happens, the shear sion resistant grease to the propeller pin must be replaced. Be sure the outboard motor is securely fastened to the transom or a stable NOTE: stand.

You could be severely injured if For disposal of used oil consult your Yamaha the outboard motor falls on you. Never get under the lower unit while it is. EMU29312 doing this procedure, consult your Inspecting and replacing anode(s) Yamaha dealer. Yamaha outboard motors are protected from Keep away from sparks, cigarettes, corrosion by sacrificial anodes. Inspect the flames, or other sources of ignition external anodes periodically.

Remove scales when cleaning the fuel tank. Maintenance NOTE: Inspect ground leads attached to external an- odes on equipped models. Consult a Yamaha dealer for inspection and replacement of inter- nal anodes attached to the power unit.

ZMU01943 ZMU02067 EMU29390 Checking top cowling Check the fitting of the top cowling by pushing it with both hands. Yamaha outboard motors. Has fuel pump malfunctioned?

Some items may not apply to your model. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. If your outboard motor requires repair, bring it to your Yamaha dealer. Are spark plug(s) fouled or of incorrect. Return to normal operating position.

Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel. Is carburetor clogged? Is fuel filter clogged?

Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Clean or replace filter. Is fuel joint connection incorrect? Have ignition parts failed?

Is fuel system obstructed? Is water pump or thermostat faulty?

Check for pinched or kinked fuel line or oth- A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Er obstructions in fuel system. Is there excess water in fuel filter cup?.

EWM01020 WARNING Q. Is steering pivot loose or damaged?

Use this procedure only in an emergen- A. Tighten or have serviced by a Yamaha cy and only to return to port for repairs. When the emergency starter rope is. Trouble Recovery Do not attach the lanyard to clothing that could tear loose.

Do not route the cord where it could become entangled, preventing it from functioning. Avoid accidentally pulling the lanyard during normal operation.

Loss of engine power means the loss of most steering control. If the outboard motor is submerged, immedi- cranking with the manual starter or emer- ately take it to a Yamaha dealer. Otherwise gency starter rope. Some corrosion may begin almost immediate- If you cannot immediately take the outboard. Consumer information EMU29811 Important warranty information for U.S.A. Consumer information. Consumer information EMU29820 YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, U.S.A.

OUTBOARD MOTOR TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. Consumer information. Consumer information. Consumer information EMU29841 IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION IF YOU USE YOUR YAMAHA OUTSIDE THE USA OR CANADA. YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, USA Printed in Japan May 2005–0.5 × 1 CR Printed on recycled paper.

.Indicates manufacturing date. For example, '(0408)' indicates that the motor would have a manufacturing date after April of 2008.

If you do not know the manufacturing date you can find this information on the same label as your motor model and serial number.Indicates a range of serial numbers that falls into this category. Knowing your serial number (also known as your “Primary ID” is important in making sure you get the correct parts for your motor as parts may change from one model year to the next. You can find your serial number on the sticker on your bracket following the engine’s model code.